Wednesday, November 23, 2011

MCAS Math Marathon--this week's answers are...

It's time to report on the weekend's MCAS homework--the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade each having one math question from an actual MCAS exam, and then one based upon data from the Old Colony construction site across the street.

As you know, we can't show everyone's work. We don't have enough room. Here are some samples, though.

Here's the official 3rd grade MCAS question:

Here is the question based upon the construction site across the street:

Now here an actual question from a former version of the 4th grade MCAS:

And, here is our construction site version:

Finally, here is an actual question from a past 5th grade MCAS exam:

Now comes the constriction site version:

Since this is a short week and Thanksgiving Vacation is coming up, we are not giving out MCAS math questions for the weekend. Another thing some kids might be thankful for.

Happy Turkey Day, everyone!