Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Goodbye, Mr. Murphy! Stay safe.

Eddie Murphy is one of the Facilities Coordinators for Boston Public Schools. It's his job to help maintain and improve several schools in the system, including the Perkins School.  He is also a member of the Navy Reserves.  

Mr. Murphy is being called up and sent to Afghanistan, where he will be for the next year and a half.  He recently came to the Perkins for a meeting with Principal Brawer.  Although he didn't know it, he was also coming for a surprise presentation from our two third grade classes, who wanted to thank him for his help and wish him well.


It started with Anjonelys introducing the Pledge of Allegiance song.

Ms. Lynch was ready at the keyboard to start the music and lead the song.

Mr. Murphy, Principal Brawer, and Ms. Bishop salute the American flag during the Pledge.


They weren't alone!

The third graders and Ms. Alert were all behind them singing the Pledge of Allegiance.



Danelle recited a poem the class dedicated to Mr. Murphy.

Next came the second song, America the Beautiful.

Mr. Murphy got a goodbye package to take with him.  

Good luck, Mr. Murphy!  Stay safe.